CareerSteer – career test for career choice                                     

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5                      Exercises relating to interviews



Monitoring and evaluation of individual client outcomes and satisfaction.


1.  If you used the recommendations within your action plan as the yardstick by which to measure success, what real-life client events would you be looking for?   (Try to choose clearly measurable outcomes).







2.  How would you find out about such outcomes, bearing in mind your client's right to confidentiality.






3.    What aspects of an interview do you think would be most likely to stick in the mind of a client?  (Include negative and positive points).







4.  Suggest three questions which you would put onto a client satisfaction feedback sheet.










5. What would be, in your opinion, the best way of distributing a satisfaction form?  Explain why this would be superior to other methods of distribution.













6.   If office space is limited and private conversations can only be conducted by negotiation with colleagues, what sort of information would be reasonable to discuss in a public place in your particular organisation?




7.  If a client became upset during an interview, which of the following responses would be least appropriate?   Why?


(a) can you tell me what is upsetting you?


(b) are you annoyed with something I've said?


(c) silence.


Why have you chosen this option?  (N.b. there is no definitely correct answer to this).






8.   Clients' personal information should not be divulged to other parties without their knowledge and express agreement.  Regular exceptions, such as routine referrals to a superior or other agencies, or statistical recording, should be discussed early in an interview.


          Can you see any (extreme) situations in which you would breach confidentiality?






9.   Comment briefly on appropriate storage of written information on clients.




10.  Assuming client agreement, which other professionals would be appropriate people for you to contact for advice or information or to refer your client to?





Please note that not all of these questions have a ‘right and wrong’ answer.  They are designed to get you thinking in a situational way.  It is quite acceptable to discuss any of these issues with your tutor before submission.


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CareerSteer – career test for career choice